Monday, 7 May 2012

Brainstorm annotations

Unfortunately after many attempts my story boards would not scan into my email account.This has been discussed with my tutor Eve, and we will try again at a later date, but for now, here are the annotations to my storyboards. sorry for the inconvenience :)


words start off soft, hazy and thin while the linework is dashed.
the dashes merge together to form a solid line and the haze fades to make the font clearer.
top of m breaks off to form a bird motif. soft breaking noise
m flies upwards and off representing freedom, with the sound of soft flapping wings.

Breathing in noise
word starts of large and as time goes on gets thinner, imitating the motion of a persons stomach when they inhale. word gets thinner and thinner until it completely disappears with a pop. 

line-work all jumbled writing out scribble as if someone is scribbling it, word then disappears, and the movement is then continued to scribbling all over the page til the word is revealed in white. The word is then scribbled out entirely.

letter come on screen projected by a coughing noise and moving in time to the cough. virus then grows and starts to spread sprouting off new roots till the whole screen is covered

Font Thick like the earth, rumbling noises start, followed by earthquake noises while the word shakes, big crack in the middle appears, and 2nd half of the letter drops a level.

Wave ocean sounds, letters are washed up imitating the shores motions, letters are then pulled back to form a curling wave, and then crash down across the screen arranged so the word is visible.

letters start off like deflated balloons and then with blowing noises grow in size until they are blown up, in which they then float up and away. 

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