Monday, 18 June 2012

Design standpoint.

My chosen field in design is Industrial design, and so this was my main focus for my clip. I was inspired by the idea of product design, and how technology is growing and becoming such a huge part of our everyday life that it will come to the point where it becomes a part of us. Much like Google’s “project glass” which focuses on the idea that technology should be there to work for you, and assist and enhance our everyday activities. I found this project inspiring and futuristic, and very possible to be accomplished and accepted into modern day society. To take full advantage of the evolution of technology combining technology and design into our lives seamlessly is the future. Project glass was developed by google [x] and works towards developing an augmented reality head mounted display, which will alert you when someone is trying to contact you, assist you if you need directions and even warn you of emergency situations when possible. I like to think of project glass as a lesser way of combining the internet into your vision. Using the video attached as a precedent for my vision in the clip. To make my clip more focussed on industrial design instead of the social benefits like google [x]’s version I will focus on the knowledge it could provide for us, by simply looking at a building or an object, information about that particular object is easily accessible. The idea that technology is the future is relevant here, and is what i hope to achieve in the future towards industrial design, and is portrayed well in my clip.

Project Glass.


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